November 25, 2020

Pssst! I know a secret and it is a REALLY good one!

Pssst! I know a secret and it is a really good one.  A lot of people are happy because when they work and they do something they enjoy, they don’t worry about stress.  A lot of people also love the idea of working from home and with so many scam work at home jobs out there, folks never know where they can go or who they can trust.  The secret that I have is, the place that I work as a PSO is a place that has longevity, has wonderful management and gives you the independence to promote yourself so you pretty much end up being your own boss.  The more that you promote your character, the more calls that you get, the more money you will make and the less stressed you will be.  When I say that PSOs have the absolute best job in the entire world… I […]
August 4, 2019

Freedom Working from Home

Daily life is just so hard for many people (including myself) to manage. Between trying to take care of your home, family, and finances, there is the stress and burden of knowing that underneath it all, you cannot take care of any of those things if you are not able to take care of yourself. This causes a vicious cycle that is often inescapable and seems hopeless. I am here to tell you that it really is possible to juggle all of these aspects of life, and still find the time and the means to get to take care of yourself, since you need yourself around in order to make all of this happen! I do not know about your unique circumstances, but I know that there are few occurrences that make you feel worse than when you wake up sick on a day in which you are expected to […]
July 8, 2019

Enjoy Summer: Work from Home!

I remember how depressing it used to be whenever summer time came around. I live in a state where we have renowned beaches, and pools galore! Summer for us is a huge time of year, especially when it comes to spending time with friends and family enjoying the seasonal activities. I used to get to enjoy the sunlight from behind huge windows mostly covered by blinds. I spent my time under fluorescent lights that did nothing for my body other than give me a headache after a while. One day I decided enough was enough, and I set out to change my circumstances and bring about something new and better for myself. Getting to work from home may seem too good to be true, but for many people including myself, it was an answer to something we had been seeking for so long: freedom to live, while having freedom to […]