September 13, 2021

Happiness and Joy Is What I Get Working as a PSO

I remember as a child I used to sing a nursery rhyme that said “If you are happy and you know it clap your hands” and it was wonderful to recall that nursery rhyme now as an adult as it pertains to me being happy to work as a phone sex operator at Madison Enterprise LLC.  I love the freedom that this job gives me and i have never had it before in previous jobs.  My only regret is that I wish that I had done this sooner and started working at Madison Enterprise LLC a long time ago.  All of the things that I had to endure would not have been a factor had I have known about this amazing company.  It is a role that you are an independent contractor and this means that you have the freedom to work with a schedule that works for you. What […]
May 22, 2021

After My Coffee, It Is Time For Roleplay

I set my alarm clock for the set time that I determined I will work that day (as it is up to me what hours I choose on my schedule) and then I crawl to the kitchen and grab my coffee to prepare myself for my day.  I sincerely look forward to waking up in morning and never ever having to leave my house is such a great perk for me. I absolutely enjoy staying in whatever I choose to wear, whether it be underwear, a robe or even pajamas while I log into take calls right from my very own bed! How many people can say that they wake up, grab their coffee and remain in their underwear while they talk to people from various parts of the world as they work a phone sex operator?  I truly love what I do as I work for a female-owned company […]
April 26, 2021

Nowhere Else Can This Be Done

So, I had a busy week planned that was filled with doctors appointments, a birthday party and a roof repair appointment.  The funny thing is, I was able to take care off all of these things because I was able to cater my schedule to accommodate everything. Nowhere else can this be done! I remember when I used to work in the private sector and the whole hoopla of filling out a bunch of paperwork and then to submit to a manager for approval was the way that it was done  – and in some places, it is still done that way.  It was if you were being penalized for having a life. This is not the case when you work at Madison Enterprises LLC as a phone sex operator.  They understand that life happens and that is why they allow you to set up your own schedule to be […]