July 3, 2022

They Called Me Lazy In School – Now I Get Paid For It

  I always hated getting up early to an office job, but I did it because I had no choice. The stupid stuffy suit that I had to wear to work ,then get on my knees to sort through a bunch of dusty files and take minutes in a meeting all sucked.  It would not take long until I would be fired and that was not a shock for me as I hated being  that kind of an environment. I did what I had to do because I thought that I did not have a choice.  But today, I am so happy that I finally found out what I was missing and what I needed and it is working at Madison Enterprise LLC as an PSO – which in other words means a phone sex operator. I can be lazy as ever and stay in my bed and never leave […]
February 13, 2022

Don’t Leave Your Home And Make Money As A PSO

I have not left the safety and comfort of my home all day, and the best part is – it is going to be like this all this week and the weeks to follow. The reason that I am able to love my life the way that I want and not have to leave my bed for hours and still make an income is because I am an independent contractor that works from home with Madison Enterprise LLC. I can order up Door Dash, UberEats and even my groceries with Instacart and don’t ever have to leave my home. My fellow neighbors have to make a trek to and from their office jobs every day and deal with crime ridden trains and buses all when I relax at home and talk to amazing guys and gals on the phone as a PSO. PSO stands for Phone Sex Operator and I […]
October 17, 2021

Female Owned Is The Way To Go

I have to say that I have had the opportunity to work most of my life and when I started I worked in male dominated environments where I was not understood and that was really an issue for me.  It is such a major difference working for a female -owned company and I am not kidding at all about that.  The difference is so clear that this is where I need to be.  To have the independence to work from home and male a salary that is equivalent to what I could make in an in-person office environment is so amazing to me.  Lots of times in the office environment type of environment you really don’t have much of a say so.  But the difference is so clear working at home for a female owned company.  I get to take days off that I want during the week by setting […]