August 15, 2020

Side Hustles For Working From Home

I’ve written before about how easy it is to pick up some new hobbies when you are a phone sex operator, but it’s just as easy to try out a few side hustles as well. You will certainly have the time for it while you are waiting for your calls, so why not take advantage of it? I’m making jewelry that’s selling fairly well on Etsy. I know a girl that crochets blankets, gorgeous things that she get’s good money for, and I’m even thinking about trying my hand at woodturning. There are a bunch of things that you can do to make some extra cash and nowadays that is especially appreciated! You can just look through some online stores to see if there’s anything you might be able to do. You can do dot art! I’ve seen some gorgeous things done with dot art. Point it, working from home […]
March 18, 2020

The Work Part Of Working From Home

I’ve noticed that a lot of the applicants that we get for being a phone sex operator lose interest once they see what we have to do when it comes to posting on social media and writing weekly blogs for your character. I remember it seeming to be quite a bit, but once you get used to it there’s no problem at all! You can go to others phone lines and get paid without all that, but you certainly won’t get the same pay rate. Working from home means that you have more than enough time to do all that you need to, with days left where you have to do nothing except talk in the chat room and take any calls that come your way. There’s nothing difficult about any of it, I promise you. Are you ready to give it a try? Go ahead and fill out the […]
January 22, 2020

Things To Think Of Before Starting Pso Work

I don’t know if anyone has discussed this before in a blog here, but before you decide to try out being a phone sex operator, be sure to do your research. With some companies you only have to answer the phone when they send you a call, but for that you can only get around thirty-five cents per minutes, sometimes less. On the other end is doing it for yourself, taking calls through a service like Niteflirt, keeping you all the money yourself, but all the advertisement is on you, every crank call and hang up are calls you have to take. With a company like Madison Enterprises, you do have to handle a few social accounts, write a few blogs, but it’s a collective effort with all the woman here, multiple avenues of advertisement that reaches out to bring more callers in. Dispatch takes cares of all the calls, […]