August 28, 2019

Looking For A Better Job?

At my last job, I was on my feet eight hours every day that I worked, sometimes standing in mostly one spot, other times all over the place, and believe me, both of those have their own issues.  My back started hurting, I pushed it aside thinking that it was because of my job, but the problem just got worse. Turns out I have a few things going wrong with my spine, and I knew I could keep working where I was, and I had very few options that would keep me off my feet while paying me well.  Then I saw an ad online for a phone sex line, and I just thought, ‘Why not?” So I started doing a little research, got a frustrated a bit with the different types of companies, pay rates, holding times and all that; then I came across Phoneamommy one day, read a bit, came back to it later, and put in an application. I recommend that you do the same!
August 11, 2019

One Good Reason To Be A Pso

Want a good story about why I like being a phone sex operator? I had a long night, stayed up way past any decent bedtime, even though I knew that I had to log in for work early this morning.  You’ve done that before, did something silly and only got two or three of hours of sleep in before you have to drag yourself out of bed to work hard for your money so you’ll be able to do something silly again the next weekend! Alarm went off this morning and I could barely open my eyes. I reached out for my phone, hit the alarm button off, logged in on my phone… and then I laid back down and went to sleep. I had one or two calls while I was still in bed, but since I was able to go right back to sleep I was still well-rested once I did finally get up. Doesn’t sound too bad to be a pso, does it?
July 15, 2019

Relaxing Work As PSO

I hated having to go to work. I’m a functioning adult, so I did what I had to do, but that certainly doesn’t mean I enjoyed it.  I worked shifts, so I had to wake up at four am to beat the traffic just to make it to work at nine am.  Second shift had me watching the clock all day to see how many hours I had before I had to trudge my way to work. And the best shift of all, third, had me standing around like a zombie in a cloud of exhaustion. None of that sounds terribly pleasant, does it? What do I do now? I work as a phone sex operator, so whether I work a few hours or 24 of them, I’m home and relaxed. If I take the night off, and plan to log in at nine am, all I have to do is set the alarm for nine, roll over to log in on my phone… and that’s it.  What’s not to like about that?