April 12, 2020

Staying Safe While Working From Home

Well, considering everything that’s going on right now, it would be remiss of me to not point out that be able to work from home and still earning a paycheck as a pso is an excellent idea. I know more than a few people whose livelihoods are at risk at the moment, so being able to work through all this is a blessing. I know even more people that work at-risk jobs, clerks and cashiers and other professions that have no choice but to work with the public. In situations like this, being a phone sex operator that already rarely leaves the house and has little contact outside the home is certainly a god send! And with so much worry going around, I’ve had more than a few conversations that were simply that, conversations with someone that wanted to have a judgement free talk with someone else, reaching out for some verbal contact. As long as I’m helping my caller, whatever form that comes in, that’s the important bit.
January 19, 2020

Keeping Your Job Interesting

One of the interesting parts of phone sex work is having to use my imagination. I know the perception is that it’s mostly just moaning and telling someone how good they are (and sometimes it is) but most of the time it’s not like that. Even if you have two people that are into the same thing, the scenario for them might need to be vastly different, or just a few changes will do great. Part of it is guesswork, going by what they’re saying outright, sometimes the hints that they’re dropping. And once you get regulars, you want to keep it exciting for them, fresh, give them more reasons to keep calling you. That will help you out too, helping to keep you from getting into rut, and not enjoying your pso job. Sometimes all they want is to have a regular conversation, it is easier to talk to a stranger than anyone else sometimes, especially when you can count on their discretion. But if they want to get on with the kinky talk, a little imagination and willingness to get more than a little freaky will keep everybody happy! Why don’t you go ahead and apply to Madison […]
October 26, 2019

Looking To Get Rid Of Some Stress?

Think about what you hate at work or just what annoys you the most. Could be the drive there, the parking, that one guy that won’t stop clicking his pens, that lady that constantly taps her nails, and it could certainly be the customers. Don’t you have some days that you have vivid fantasies about slapping someone silly? You won’t do it, but you know that the first few seconds before the repercussions started playing through your head would be soooo satisfying! My last job, before becoming a phone sex operator, had me more stressed out than I realized, until I after I quit. Working as a manager at a gas station can be more than a bit stressful somedays. A few months afterwards all my old customers and coworkers would see me and tell me how much better I looked, how relaxed I was. Why don’t you give Madison Enterprises a shot and find out if you can get rid of some of the stress you got on your shoulders right now?