August 11, 2019

One Good Reason To Be A Pso

Want a good story about why I like being a phone sex operator? I had a long night, stayed up way past any decent bedtime, even though I knew that I had to log in for work early this morning.  You’ve done that before, did something silly and only got two or three of hours of sleep in before you have to drag yourself out of bed to work hard for your money so you’ll be able to do something silly again the next weekend! Alarm went off this morning and I could barely open my eyes. I reached out for my phone, hit the alarm button off, logged in on my phone… and then I laid back down and went to sleep. I had one or two calls while I was still in bed, but since I was able to go right back to sleep I was still well-rested […]
August 7, 2019

A Piece Of Advice For Future Pso’s

One thing that turned out to be kind of surprising to me when I became a phone sex operator is the loyalty that some of your callers will show for you.  I suppose I was expecting a constant stream of new callers, if I was expecting anything, guys that I spouted off a script to that I think might get them off.  Turned out that it was more involved than that, you have to get to know someone, not necessarily identifying info, but their personal likes and dislikes regarding whatever their fetish happens to be.  Keep notes, call them by name, remember what they like and what could just be someone who gives you one or two calls could be a repeat customer that won’t talk to anyone else! You won’t click with everyone and that’s not something to worry about.  Be sure to remember the ones that you do […]
August 4, 2019

Freedom Working from Home

Daily life is just so hard for many people (including myself) to manage. Between trying to take care of your home, family, and finances, there is the stress and burden of knowing that underneath it all, you cannot take care of any of those things if you are not able to take care of yourself. This causes a vicious cycle that is often inescapable and seems hopeless. I am here to tell you that it really is possible to juggle all of these aspects of life, and still find the time and the means to get to take care of yourself, since you need yourself around in order to make all of this happen! I do not know about your unique circumstances, but I know that there are few occurrences that make you feel worse than when you wake up sick on a day in which you are expected to […]