November 24, 2019

Log In, Log out, Do Whatever You’d Like

I’ve started exercising a bit more lately, one of the only drawbacks to pso work is that is one of the more sedentary jobs you can have. Same with anything else I want to do, finding the time for it is not hard at all. If I decide to wake up early, do a little work out after logging out, I can. You definitely want to log out first, you won’t sound sexy trying to catch your breath! If later on, I’m sleepy from waking up early, taking a siesta isn’t hard at all, and I don’t have to log out for it. I’ve been woken up from a nap more than once, and when it was done went right back to sleep. If I don’t want to wake up early, though, I can exercise any time of the day that I decide. There’s a whole lot of flexibility in […]
October 31, 2019

Working And No Sick Days Needed

The first month that I started working as a phone sex operator full-time I came down with something. I was aching all over, nauseous, my throat was a little sore, and I was ill-tempered. I went to the doctor, and all I remember is that he said I was contagious. Now, if I had still been working my regular job, I would have been out a few days money, since we didn’t have sick leave. Instead, even though I was definitely sick, I got to stay home and make money. I took my meds, drank lot of chamomile tea between calls, and sucked on lozenges like they were going to stop existing. Wasn’t all that fun and I can’t say I enjoyed it, but I did like the check that I got later that wasn’t affected at all.  That was a benefit that I didn’t even think about before I […]
October 28, 2019

Independence while Making Money!

When it comes to working, there is always a degree of frustration that goes along with having to base your entire life and schedule around whatever schedule you are given at work. This means having to base your schedule around your boss’s schedule, your coworkers’ schedules, and even the needs of the company. This often means that you have to put off time for your health for appointments or other such engagements, and put off time that could be spent taking care of yourself. These days, there is too much focus on the needs of the business and not enough focus on the needs of the employees who allow the businesses to continue to run day in and day out. When you work from home, you are able to take back some of the control and set a schedule that works for you and your plans and needs. You are […]