December 13, 2020

Enjoy Work From Home as a PSO

    As I write this blog, outside is filled with snow, but it does not matter to me because I am a PSO  – it is a job that I really enjoy so much and this is because I don’t have to rush and race to get ready in the morning and get all dolled up.  I can sit in my pjs and talk it all up to clients who call to speak to me on the phone at an amazing company that is female-owned – it really does make a major difference. I fee a part of a company that I want to see succeed as the more the company succeeds, the ore I do as well.  This is a job that also has the desire for every Phone Sex Operator to have a good work ethic.  This job is also about responsibility and it is not just about […]
November 25, 2020

Pssst! I know a secret and it is a REALLY good one!

Pssst! I know a secret and it is a really good one.  A lot of people are happy because when they work and they do something they enjoy, they don’t worry about stress.  A lot of people also love the idea of working from home and with so many scam work at home jobs out there, folks never know where they can go or who they can trust.  The secret that I have is, the place that I work as a PSO is a place that has longevity, has wonderful management and gives you the independence to promote yourself so you pretty much end up being your own boss.  The more that you promote your character, the more calls that you get, the more money you will make and the less stressed you will be.  When I say that PSOs have the absolute best job in the entire world… I […]
November 15, 2020

Adult Entertainment Industry — Work From Home

In this day and age of quickly growing and ever changing technology, there are more opportunities to make great money and get to work from home than ever before. With the pandemic this year, more and more companies are discovering that they do in fact have the ability to make the transition from physical work locations to remote commuting seamlessly and easily. Why not join a company that has been doing just that for years? Madison Enterprise is run by women, owned by women, and thrives on bringing women together in order to bring the best success to each other and each and every one of our clients. Our clients whether they are repeat customers, brand new clients, or just a potential connection who finds themselves browsing one of our sites, each one of them is unique and is looking for something different and true to their own desires. Being […]