March 18, 2020

The Work Part Of Working From Home

I’ve noticed that a lot of the applicants that we get for being a phone sex operator lose interest once they see what we have to do when it comes to posting on social media and writing weekly blogs for your character. I remember it seeming to be quite a bit, but once you get used to it there’s no problem at all! You can go to others phone lines and get paid without all that, but you certainly won’t get the same pay rate. Working from home means that you have more than enough time to do all that you need to, with days left where you have to do nothing except talk in the chat room and take any calls that come your way. There’s nothing difficult about any of it, I promise you. Are you ready to give it a try? Go ahead and fill out the […]
February 21, 2020

Making Money for Yourself

If you are sick and tired of having to run around like a chicken with your head chopped off in order to conform to what society has deemed the “conventional” way to do employment, than hear me out. There is a way for you to make money from home, doing something that you can enjoy. How would you like to roll out of bed three hours before a shift that you were able to schedule for yourself? You have no need for an alarm because you now go to work at the most ideal time for your unique person, -and- it is at your own house! You can throw on a robe, or not, and head into the kitchen for a steaming cup of coffee and some breakfast. Take your time, you still have two and a half hours before work after you laid in bed scrolling through the internet […]
October 26, 2019

Looking To Get Rid Of Some Stress?

Think about what you hate at work or just what annoys you the most. Could be the drive there, the parking, that one guy that won’t stop clicking his pens, that lady that constantly taps her nails, and it could certainly be the customers. Don’t you have some days that you have vivid fantasies about slapping someone silly? You won’t do it, but you know that the first few seconds before the repercussions started playing through your head would be soooo satisfying! My last job, before becoming a phone sex operator, had me more stressed out than I realized, until I after I quit. Working as a manager at a gas station can be more than a bit stressful somedays. A few months afterwards all my old customers and coworkers would see me and tell me how much better I looked, how relaxed I was. Why don’t you give Madison […]