April 12, 2021

Are you totally anti-social in person, but not on the phone?

A lot of people who love to socialize have literally lost their minds in this pandemic, except for me.  I am totally antisocial in person but not on the phone.  I don’t care to interact with people in person, get dressed up in a girdle and a tight suit or care to take the dirt subway back and forth to an in person job to deal with an in person boss or in person gossipy staff. I want to be able to work on my terms with my own schedule where I can be my own boss and call the shots with when I talk to folks.  And my creative mind and super high sex drive is a perk and a plus because I can envision and roleplay all of the nastiest and kinkiest fantasies ever and I can do it all in the comfort of my own home and […]
July 8, 2019

Enjoy Summer: Work from Home!

I remember how depressing it used to be whenever summer time came around. I live in a state where we have renowned beaches, and pools galore! Summer for us is a huge time of year, especially when it comes to spending time with friends and family enjoying the seasonal activities. I used to get to enjoy the sunlight from behind huge windows mostly covered by blinds. I spent my time under fluorescent lights that did nothing for my body other than give me a headache after a while. One day I decided enough was enough, and I set out to change my circumstances and bring about something new and better for myself. Getting to work from home may seem too good to be true, but for many people including myself, it was an answer to something we had been seeking for so long: freedom to live, while having freedom to […]
February 23, 2018

My First Working From Home Job

I’ve always hated the idea of a 9 to 5 job. Standing behind a counter or behind trapped behind a desk your entire shift always just rubbed me the wrong way. I’m a home body so I decided one day that I would get a job that lets me excel at my profession without ever having to leave my house to do it. So I did a quick google search for “work from home” and was surprised at all of the results. I guess people were searching for the same thing I was now searching. I scrolled past a few of the most common results which included the usual telemarketer, remote computer technician, and even making your own website to sell creations you’ve made but none of them peeked my interest. They all depended on number of sales and only being paid when your services were needed. I couldn’t  bring […]