October 31, 2019

Working And No Sick Days Needed

The first month that I started working as a phone sex operator full-time I came down with something. I was aching all over, nauseous, my throat was a little sore, and I was ill-tempered. I went to the doctor, and all I remember is that he said I was contagious. Now, if I had still been working my regular job, I would have been out a few days money, since we didn’t have sick leave. Instead, even though I was definitely sick, I got to stay home and make money. I took my meds, drank lot of chamomile tea between calls, and sucked on lozenges like they were going to stop existing. Wasn’t all that fun and I can’t say I enjoyed it, but I did like the check that I got later that wasn’t affected at all.  That was a benefit that I didn’t even think about before I […]