February 14, 2020

Pso Work Is For Anyone!

I’m single, no kids, one dog, so phone sex operator work is especially easy for me. I can work 24/7 or I can work for a few hours during the day. But it’s still very doable if you more responsibilities than I do. I know women that log in while their kids are at school, then log back when their asleep. I know one lady that takes care of her elderly mother and being a pso allows her to still make money while she stays at home. I’ve seen more than a few of the stay at home scams, but pso work is definitely not one of them! It’s the same as anything else, what you get out of it depends on what you put in, but even if you can only work a few hours every day, it’s doable. It takes time to build up that client base but […]
November 26, 2019

A Few Things To Help A New Pso

I’ve got a couple of tips for any soon to be phone sex operators. Make notes. You are going to talk to a lot of people and until you’ve talked with someone more than a few times you won’t recognize their voice. But write down their name, a few tidbits about them, and it’ll bring everything back to you. Soon enough you will be remembering everything about your regular callers but having that info in the beginning will help ensure that you will have them calling back enough to become regular callers! You also want to get some props. Nothing or complicated, a brush, some balloons, a lighter, a diaper, maybe even a belt! Those are the onesI use the most and there are multiple ways that you can use all of those. Making the call a little more interactive, a bit more immersive is very good. Once you’ve filled […]
October 31, 2019

Working And No Sick Days Needed

The first month that I started working as a phone sex operator full-time I came down with something. I was aching all over, nauseous, my throat was a little sore, and I was ill-tempered. I went to the doctor, and all I remember is that he said I was contagious. Now, if I had still been working my regular job, I would have been out a few days money, since we didn’t have sick leave. Instead, even though I was definitely sick, I got to stay home and make money. I took my meds, drank lot of chamomile tea between calls, and sucked on lozenges like they were going to stop existing. Wasn’t all that fun and I can’t say I enjoyed it, but I did like the check that I got later that wasn’t affected at all.  That was a benefit that I didn’t even think about before I […]