July 12, 2021

Become The Independent Worker That You Were Always Meant To Be

  Ok, I admit it – I am a little lazy where I don’t want to get up every single day and get myself ready to go into an office environment to have to work with a bunch of phonies.  Who the hell has time for that? I surely don’t.  But, I love to make money and I make lots of it in my bed, rolled up under the covers speaking to callers while working for a female owned company called Madison Enterprises LLC. I don’t think you have any idea the fun, pleasure, ease and convenience it is to work from my bed.  The fact that it does not matter if it rains, shows, hailstorms or floods – it is not my business what the weather is like and I don’t really care because I don’t have to leave my bed at all to go outside to get paid.  […]
May 22, 2021

After My Coffee, It Is Time For Roleplay

I set my alarm clock for the set time that I determined I will work that day (as it is up to me what hours I choose on my schedule) and then I crawl to the kitchen and grab my coffee to prepare myself for my day.  I sincerely look forward to waking up in morning and never ever having to leave my house is such a great perk for me. I absolutely enjoy staying in whatever I choose to wear, whether it be underwear, a robe or even pajamas while I log into take calls right from my very own bed! How many people can say that they wake up, grab their coffee and remain in their underwear while they talk to people from various parts of the world as they work a phone sex operator?  I truly love what I do as I work for a female-owned company […]
March 9, 2021

I Love Being A Phone Sex Operator

My alarm goes off in the morning and I crawl out of bed. I walk to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for my family.  I have a husband and three kids and I have to get them all ready for the day. My husband has to drive and hour to get to work at his office and my kids will be at school all day and I am not going to rely on the school to feed them their breakfast, so it is up to me to get everything that my family needs ready and on time. As everyone completed their showers and got dresses they shuffle into the kitchen like zombies and get their breakfast and they are ready to go on their way. My husband drove off to work in the opposite direction than the route that the school bus would take, so as soon as the bus […]