February 23, 2018

My First Working From Home Job

I’ve always hated the idea of a 9 to 5 job. Standing behind a counter or behind trapped behind a desk your entire shift always just rubbed me the wrong way. I’m a home body so I decided one day that I would get a job that lets me excel at my profession without ever having to leave my house to do it. So I did a quick google search for “work from home” and was surprised at all of the results. I guess people were searching for the same thing I was now searching. I scrolled past a few of the most common results which included the usual telemarketer, remote computer technician, and even making your own website to sell creations you’ve made but none of them peeked my interest. They all depended on number of sales and only being paid when your services were needed. I couldn’t  bring […]
March 11, 2015

A Wicked fairy tale in new XXX parody of Snow White

Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the sexiest of them all? It’s the viewer’s choice when it comes to this naughty fairy tale from Wicked Pictures and Director Axel Braun. Might it be the vain queen played by jessica drake or Snow White played by Riley Steele? Not your typical work of porn at all. Sure, there’s lots of sex, but it’s couched in an actual story with period costumes that allows us all to think “so this is what happens behind castle doors!” The introduction of flirty fairies vying for the King’s staff kicks off this new genre of adult entertainment. This variety of porn is far more appealing to women – a heretofore barely tapped demographic in the industry. Women love a good story, and a good fairy tale about good versus evil, good sex versus evil sex (both are pretty darn good!), and the ultimate goal – […]