September 18, 2021

Looking To Earn Extra Income While At Home?

  Are you bored at home and looking for a little excitement?  How about excitement that pays you?  That’s right… You could work from home and enjoy yourself all at the same time as you make some extra money.  No time clocks, no cramped office space, no annoying interaction with tiresome customers or dead weight co-workers.  You can put your feet up and relax and use your voice to do all the work for you. Set your own schedule and work as many hours as you like.  Late night last night?  Not feeling very motivated?  No worries, take it easy and log in when your ready.  You dictate when and for how long you want to be available for calls. You are your own boss. Spread the word and build your clientele.  Pick from an assortment of characters and be either a phone sex mommy, a naughty diaper girl or […]
September 13, 2021

I Love Siestas and At Madison Enterprises LLC – I Can Have Them

My name is Maria and I am from Latin America where things are done a certain way and protocol needs to be adhered to, and I am so used to having siestas in my former roles when I worked for employers.  When I migrated to America, things were just not the same because every single role that I worked did not afford me the opportunity to have siestas.  If you are wondering what siestas are, they are short naps or breaks that people take during the day and it really helps their bodies to recover and recuperate from all of the wear and tear that comes with working.  Madison Enterprise LLC is such a fantastic company to work for that I am able to set my schedule in a way where I can log in and out with what works for me to be able to have my siestas. There […]
September 13, 2021

Happiness and Joy Is What I Get Working as a PSO

I remember as a child I used to sing a nursery rhyme that said “If you are happy and you know it clap your hands” and it was wonderful to recall that nursery rhyme now as an adult as it pertains to me being happy to work as a phone sex operator at Madison Enterprise LLC.  I love the freedom that this job gives me and i have never had it before in previous jobs.  My only regret is that I wish that I had done this sooner and started working at Madison Enterprise LLC a long time ago.  All of the things that I had to endure would not have been a factor had I have known about this amazing company.  It is a role that you are an independent contractor and this means that you have the freedom to work with a schedule that works for you. What […]