October 31, 2019

Working And No Sick Days Needed

The first month that I started working as a phone sex operator full-time I came down with something. I was aching all over, nauseous, my throat was a little sore, and I was ill-tempered. I went to the doctor, and all I remember is that he said I was contagious. Now, if I had still been working my regular job, I would have been out a few days money, since we didn’t have sick leave. Instead, even though I was definitely sick, I got to stay home and make money. I took my meds, drank lot of chamomile tea between calls, and sucked on lozenges like they were going to stop existing. Wasn’t all that fun and I can’t say I enjoyed it, but I did like the check that I got later that wasn’t affected at all.  That was a benefit that I didn’t even think about before I […]
October 1, 2019

Need To Work From Home?

A few years ago, something happened that left me in the position of having to take care of my mother far sooner than I was expecting.   I wasn’t prepared to be a caretaker, but that didn’t change the fact that I had to step up. Quit my job, and though there was some money coming in other ways, it didn’t end up covering all our needs.  Started researching those ‘work from home jobs’ to find out that the vast majority are scams, so that was a no go. Didn’t have any idea what working as a phone sex operator would be like, was pretty sure that I wouldn’t be able to do it, but I did some more research into it as well. I decided what I’d like to see in a company I worked for, kept looking around and then came across Madison Enterprises. I applied, got the job, […]