November 15, 2020

Be The Best Phone Sex Operator That You Can Be

There’s nothing like having the freedom to wear what you want to wear and work when you want to work in the comfort of your very own home.  If you feel like not wearing anything at all you can . If you feel like remaining in your socks and T-shirt (the comfy one with the holes in it) – you can.  If you feel like remaining in your robe after a hot morning shower as soon as you wake up, you can.  The world is your oyster! This job does not require for you to dress up formally or business casual by making you spend unnecessary money on suits that you may soon outgrow as your weight changes. No need to deal with the nonsense that happens in a traditional work office.  Just close your eyes for a minute and imagine that you set your alarm and wake up in […]
May 17, 2020

Be Self-Motivating!

Fair warning, I love working as a phone sex operator, but unless you are already a hyper go-getter, this job will make you realize just how lazy you are. Working a regular shift job can leave you with not a lot of free time at home, so you can tell yourself that you want to relax when you are at home, if you only had some more time you could get to do so much more! Turns out that’s a big ol’ lie. But, good news is, once you get sick of being lazy, and that doesn’t take long, you will find yourself doing things that you have talked about for years and never got around to doing. Even if, and god forbid if this happens, I had to go back to working a regular job, I don’t think I will fall back into old habits. It feels too good […]
February 21, 2020

Making Money for Yourself

If you are sick and tired of having to run around like a chicken with your head chopped off in order to conform to what society has deemed the “conventional” way to do employment, than hear me out. There is a way for you to make money from home, doing something that you can enjoy. How would you like to roll out of bed three hours before a shift that you were able to schedule for yourself? You have no need for an alarm because you now go to work at the most ideal time for your unique person, -and- it is at your own house! You can throw on a robe, or not, and head into the kitchen for a steaming cup of coffee and some breakfast. Take your time, you still have two and a half hours before work after you laid in bed scrolling through the internet […]