April 12, 2021

Are you totally anti-social in person, but not on the phone?

A lot of people who love to socialize have literally lost their minds in this pandemic, except for me.  I am totally antisocial in person but not on the phone.  I don’t care to interact with people in person, get dressed up in a girdle and a tight suit or care to take the dirt subway back and forth to an in person job to deal with an in person boss or in person gossipy staff. I want to be able to work on my terms with my own schedule where I can be my own boss and call the shots with when I talk to folks.  And my creative mind and super high sex drive is a perk and a plus because I can envision and roleplay all of the nastiest and kinkiest fantasies ever and I can do it all in the comfort of my own home and […]
April 12, 2021

Sexy And Confident PSO Granny

I am naturally a sexy woman who happens to also be a granny.  I have retired from my day job for a couple of years now and I decided that I was going to be a phone sex operator.  A lot of times when you get to be my age, which happens to be in the mid to late 70s the world in terms of careers forget about you. They label you as too old to work and they look at you as someone who needs to be in crutches a wheelchair or diapers.  But you know what? That may be true for some people and in this case you can even work  phone sex jobs if you are disabled and can’t get around much. But my mind can get around really well, especially when I get calls from men and women who need a granny to roleplay with.  I […]
March 9, 2021

Try Something New – A PSO Career Is For You

We put on the new everyday and we hear the same thing, massive layoffs and firings are all over the TV screen.  When things look like they are trying to get better it seems that things are getting worse where the job market is concerned.  And then the TV camera flashes to the line at the Department of Labor and you see thousands standing in line 6 feet apart outside of a building that has more people out of jobs than there are jobs that need to be filled. This is where Madison Enterprises comes in and rides in like a superhero to save the day.  Many jobs may not be hiring but at this female-owned company we are hiring.  In this career, you decide how much you will work and you call the shots in terms of how you promote yourself to get as many callers as possible. The […]