June 14, 2021

Where Else Can You Watch A Movie Or Take A Siesta During Calls?

I don’t know about you or anyone else, but for me I love my job at Madison Enterprise LLC so very much. Where else can someone watch a move or take a siesta during calls while at work, working from home from the comfort of your own bed? I mean, I have even sipped on a smoothie while on a call and also ate an entire tub of ice-cream.  The thing is – the noise I make while my mouth is wet makes the call even sexier – if you get my drift. I recall I had a sexy phone call with a caller and we were roleplaying that we were on a beach. On the beach I decided to get naughty with him on the beach by opening the entrance to his pants and then had the ice-cream drip down on him and then I licked it off with […]
September 20, 2020

Become the BEST PSO and Never Feel Lonely Again!

There are some jobs out there where you can truly be the best that you can be, and make sure that all of your clients know it and see your passion firsthand! The title of phone sex operator is definitely one of those such jobs, and there are few jobs that are quite as satisfying! There is so much freedom to be had when you are a PSO. You get to set your own hours and lay around all day wearing nothing but your pajamas if that is what you want. For some people, that is already enough to make this the best job ever, but the perks do not stop there! Have you ever heard the built up release of some poor little adult baby who has no one else in the world to make them feel like the little baby that they are? Have you ever gotten to […]
May 18, 2019

Making Money from Home

Let’s be honest for a minute in stating that most people do not like the grind of their typical 9 to 5, Monday through Friday jobs. Sure, you get your weekends off, but you are just a cog in the machine for the rest of the week. Working on someone else’s time and revolving your life around that. I remember when it really hit me that I wanted more for myself, and I was determined to find a way to do just that. Madison Enterprise has offered me that opportunity as a work from home phone sex operator, and it has changed my life! No more do I have to wait with baited breath the day before the next week starts to find out when I am expected to be there, regardless of what real life warrants. I am able to set my own schedule, a freedom that is hard […]