April 15, 2022

Tips For Working As A Phone Sex Operator

One thing that I’ve learned as a phone sex operator is that you can’t always tell your callers the truth. I mean, my god, I’ve talked about everything from abdl to toilet play to scissor kink with a dash of vanilla sex thrown in. I don’t think human brains are built to find everything that sexy, we would get even less done than we do now. I talk to a handful of guys about vacuums, one of them get so hard from just the sound that he can’t clean with one. Now, what are the odds that you are going to call a pso that also has that same fetish? Pretty slim, I can tell you that. That’s one of the best things about calling a sex line, though, as long as you are talking with someone that knows what they are doing. When someone is calling about a particular […]
July 12, 2021

Become The Independent Worker That You Were Always Meant To Be

  Ok, I admit it – I am a little lazy where I don’t want to get up every single day and get myself ready to go into an office environment to have to work with a bunch of phonies.  Who the hell has time for that? I surely don’t.  But, I love to make money and I make lots of it in my bed, rolled up under the covers speaking to callers while working for a female owned company called Madison Enterprises LLC. I don’t think you have any idea the fun, pleasure, ease and convenience it is to work from my bed.  The fact that it does not matter if it rains, shows, hailstorms or floods – it is not my business what the weather is like and I don’t really care because I don’t have to leave my bed at all to go outside to get paid.  […]
April 12, 2021

Are you totally anti-social in person, but not on the phone?

A lot of people who love to socialize have literally lost their minds in this pandemic, except for me.  I am totally antisocial in person but not on the phone.  I don’t care to interact with people in person, get dressed up in a girdle and a tight suit or care to take the dirt subway back and forth to an in person job to deal with an in person boss or in person gossipy staff. I want to be able to work on my terms with my own schedule where I can be my own boss and call the shots with when I talk to folks.  And my creative mind and super high sex drive is a perk and a plus because I can envision and roleplay all of the nastiest and kinkiest fantasies ever and I can do it all in the comfort of my own home and […]