May 17, 2021

Phone Actresses With Creative Imaginations Wanted

I was perusing the internet looking for ads that asked readers if they are interested in learning how to become a phone sex operator which is something that I could do from the comfort of my own home and I found an application online by clicking this link and I applied right away: It was fast, quick and easy and I only did it because of all of the things that I read online about the company and it lined up with exactly what I was looking for. I used to work as a phone sex operator in person in an office and it was crazy because I had the midnight shift or as others say the graveyard shift and I would have to leave my house at night to take a train to get to this job.  Though I enjoyed the role I was doing as a phone […]
November 15, 2020

Adult Entertainment Industry — Work From Home

In this day and age of quickly growing and ever changing technology, there are more opportunities to make great money and get to work from home than ever before. With the pandemic this year, more and more companies are discovering that they do in fact have the ability to make the transition from physical work locations to remote commuting seamlessly and easily. Why not join a company that has been doing just that for years? Madison Enterprise is run by women, owned by women, and thrives on bringing women together in order to bring the best success to each other and each and every one of our clients. Our clients whether they are repeat customers, brand new clients, or just a potential connection who finds themselves browsing one of our sites, each one of them is unique and is looking for something different and true to their own desires. Being […]
July 8, 2019

Enjoy Summer: Work from Home!

I remember how depressing it used to be whenever summer time came around. I live in a state where we have renowned beaches, and pools galore! Summer for us is a huge time of year, especially when it comes to spending time with friends and family enjoying the seasonal activities. I used to get to enjoy the sunlight from behind huge windows mostly covered by blinds. I spent my time under fluorescent lights that did nothing for my body other than give me a headache after a while. One day I decided enough was enough, and I set out to change my circumstances and bring about something new and better for myself. Getting to work from home may seem too good to be true, but for many people including myself, it was an answer to something we had been seeking for so long: freedom to live, while having freedom to […]