April 15, 2022

Tips For Working As A Phone Sex Operator

One thing that I’ve learned as a phone sex operator is that you can’t always tell your callers the truth. I mean, my god, I’ve talked about everything from abdl to toilet play to scissor kink with a dash of vanilla sex thrown in. I don’t think human brains are built to find everything that sexy, we would get even less done than we do now. I talk to a handful of guys about vacuums, one of them get so hard from just the sound that he can’t clean with one. Now, what are the odds that you are going to call a pso that also has that same fetish? Pretty slim, I can tell you that. That’s one of the best things about calling a sex line, though, as long as you are talking with someone that knows what they are doing. When someone is calling about a particular […]
April 26, 2021

Nowhere Else Can This Be Done

So, I had a busy week planned that was filled with doctors appointments, a birthday party and a roof repair appointment.  The funny thing is, I was able to take care off all of these things because I was able to cater my schedule to accommodate everything. Nowhere else can this be done! I remember when I used to work in the private sector and the whole hoopla of filling out a bunch of paperwork and then to submit to a manager for approval was the way that it was done  – and in some places, it is still done that way.  It was if you were being penalized for having a life. This is not the case when you work at Madison Enterprises LLC as a phone sex operator.  They understand that life happens and that is why they allow you to set up your own schedule to be […]
October 15, 2020

An Introvert’s Dream Come True – Become A PSO!

  Aren’t you simply so very sick and tired of the hustle and bustle of getting up in the wee hours of the morning to put on makeup, dress up in a fancy suit to then, put on a face mask and then squeeze yourself into a packed train with no social distancing to then get to an office where you have to deal with the usual office politics? Why put up with that when you don’t have to?  Doesn’t it sound great if you can work for a female-owned company directly from your home in your pajamas, make-up free and regardless of what the weather is like you are safe and sound?  No need to pretend to be the popular one in the office at all and attend all the unnecessary office holiday parties especially if you are in introvert and you had to pretend to be social to […]