February 13, 2022

Don’t Leave Your Home And Make Money As A PSO

I have not left the safety and comfort of my home all day, and the best part is – it is going to be like this all this week and the weeks to follow. The reason that I am able to love my life the way that I want and not have to leave my bed for hours and still make an income is because I am an independent contractor that works from home with Madison Enterprise LLC. I can order up Door Dash, UberEats and even my groceries with Instacart and don’t ever have to leave my home. My fellow neighbors have to make a trek to and from their office jobs every day and deal with crime ridden trains and buses all when I relax at home and talk to amazing guys and gals on the phone as a PSO. PSO stands for Phone Sex Operator and I […]
January 23, 2022

Can You Work By The Pool? I Can!

I can’t speak for other jobs, so I won’t – I will simply speak for mine as it allows me the opportunity to work from the comfort of my own home and that includes – poolside! Yes indeed ladies, this is the job that you have been waiting for all of your lives as it gives you a freedom that you never thought was possible. I am fortunate to be blessed with a beautiful house, and the ability to talk to great guys and gals from the comfort of my own home’s pool is such a blessing. And when the talks become hot and erotic that serves me just fine as I have all of the comfort and privacy that I need to carry on with sexy conversations. Women have wanted to be independent for years and to be able to work for myself for a women owned company is […]
December 26, 2021

These Days The Safest Place To Work Is At Home

I watch the news every single day and all I see is doom and gloom.  If it not a new virus variant, it is a person getting pushed in a train or a bus with a slew of infected people or people being forced to comply to mandates.  This is why the safest lace to work these days is right at home.  Who wants to deal with al of the drama that comes along with when you work outside? I surely don’t need it want it or want to be bothered.  Life is just to short to have to deal with a bunch of nonsense that you don’t have to deal with if you can avoid it. When I work for Madison Enterprise LLC it is such a pleasure because I get to stay in my house and I don’t have to go outside and be exposed to the elements […]