January 22, 2020

Things To Think Of Before Starting Pso Work

I don’t know if anyone has discussed this before in a blog here, but before you decide to try out being a phone sex operator, be sure to do your research. With some companies you only have to answer the phone when they send you a call, but for that you can only get around thirty-five cents per minutes, sometimes less. On the other end is doing it for yourself, taking calls through a service like Niteflirt, keeping you all the money yourself, but all the advertisement is on you, every crank call and hang up are calls you have to take. With a company like Madison Enterprises, you do have to handle a few social accounts, write a few blogs, but it’s a collective effort with all the woman here, multiple avenues of advertisement that reaches out to bring more callers in. Dispatch takes cares of all the calls, […]
August 28, 2019

Looking For A Better Job?

At my last job, I was on my feet eight hours every day that I worked, sometimes standing in mostly one spot, other times all over the place, and believe me, both of those have their own issues.  My back started hurting, I pushed it aside thinking that it was because of my job, but the problem just got worse. Turns out I have a few things going wrong with my spine, and I knew I could keep working where I was, and I had very few options that would keep me off my feet while paying me well.  Then I saw an ad online for a phone sex line, and I just thought, ‘Why not?” So I started doing a little research, got a frustrated a bit with the different types of companies, pay rates, holding times and all that; then I came across Phoneamommy one day, read a […]