April 18, 2021

A Phone Sex Job Might Be What You Need!

I have worked some fairly stressful jobs, some more than others, of course. I’ve been a truck driver, a correctional officer, things like that. I’ve gotten up at four thirty in the morning to get to work on time, clocking in for the day well before the sun rose. I’ve worked ten to twelve hours a day for years, and wasn’t that always fun? I’ve worked dangerous jobs, dirty jobs, dull and boring ones, any everything in between. Never worked from home before, though, not till I started working as a phone sex operator. I honestly didn’t think that I would be doing this for more than a few months, just a temporary thing till some issues I was having with my back would get straightened out. Several years later, and I am still going at it! It still surprises me sometimes, since I really thought that not working around people like I am used to would drive me up the wall with cabin fever. Turns out that I was more than I little bit wrong about that. If I want to go out, I go out. Hang out with friends, whatever, but once I’m done, that’s it. I couldn’t […]
April 12, 2021

Are you totally anti-social in person, but not on the phone?

A lot of people who love to socialize have literally lost their minds in this pandemic, except for me.  I am totally antisocial in person but not on the phone.  I don’t care to interact with people in person, get dressed up in a girdle and a tight suit or care to take the dirt subway back and forth to an in person job to deal with an in person boss or in person gossipy staff. I want to be able to work on my terms with my own schedule where I can be my own boss and call the shots with when I talk to folks.  And my creative mind and super high sex drive is a perk and a plus because I can envision and roleplay all of the nastiest and kinkiest fantasies ever and I can do it all in the comfort of my own home and all while working for a female-owned company. Phone Sex Operator jobs have been around for a long time but a lot of them have been owned by men and they cannot relate to what it is like to be a woman.  Lots of women have families and other responsibilities and some […]
March 14, 2021

Phone Sex Operators Have All The Fun

Phone Sex Operators have all the fun. Where else can you be the boss of your own career for a female-owned business and do it all from the comfort and safety of your own apartment? There used to be times of getting your resume done by a professional to detail all of your computer skillsets, then an agency would test those skills and when you pass that, next would be shopping for the perfect business suit and paying a fortune to get your hair and nails done. That was back then and today things are very different. Today it is no longer a man’s world that we live in, but it is a world where women are the ones that make the world go around. Just think about it, no matter who the executive is and no matter what they do they need to call the phone sex operator line in order to manage their regular days. When they call they get to select what kind of PSO that they want to speak to and as soon after that call is finished they feel so much better that they are able to manage their daily lives. Executives would not be […]