April 26, 2021

Nowhere Else Can This Be Done

So, I had a busy week planned that was filled with doctors appointments, a birthday party and a roof repair appointment.  The funny thing is, I was able to take care off all of these things because I was able to cater my schedule to accommodate everything. Nowhere else can this be done! I remember when I used to work in the private sector and the whole hoopla of filling out a bunch of paperwork and then to submit to a manager for approval was the way that it was done  – and in some places, it is still done that way.  It was if you were being penalized for having a life. This is not the case when you work at Madison Enterprises LLC as a phone sex operator.  They understand that life happens and that is why they allow you to set up your own schedule to be […]
April 12, 2021

Are you totally anti-social in person, but not on the phone?

A lot of people who love to socialize have literally lost their minds in this pandemic, except for me.  I am totally antisocial in person but not on the phone.  I don’t care to interact with people in person, get dressed up in a girdle and a tight suit or care to take the dirt subway back and forth to an in person job to deal with an in person boss or in person gossipy staff. I want to be able to work on my terms with my own schedule where I can be my own boss and call the shots with when I talk to folks.  And my creative mind and super high sex drive is a perk and a plus because I can envision and roleplay all of the nastiest and kinkiest fantasies ever and I can do it all in the comfort of my own home and […]
April 12, 2021

OMG Girlfriend! Did you hear Madison Enterprises is hiring PSOs?

I am totally amazed, flabbergasted and excited!  I just found out that Madison Enterprises LLC is hiring PSOs.  This is so amazing and I cannot wait to apply.  There are so many great things that will happen once I do this and I really don’t even know where to begin. I mean first off, I don’t have to rely anymore on my gentleman friend to give me money for things that I want and need.  I have been waiting for an opportunity like this to be independent and to make my own money and I am so happy that it is here! Whoa! Making my own money while working from home? It can’t get any better than that. I can record the shows that I want to watch on television and between calls I can catch up on them.  I can make my own schedule with what works for me […]