May 8, 2020

Working From Home Is Flexible

I know I’ve stated this before, or pretty sure at least, but I really do love the schedule flexibility that comes with working as a phone sex operator. Now, I won’t tell you that it’s always peachy; if some of the girls decide to flitter off then or emergencies pop up like they do then of course it’s a bit harder to take off whenever you please, since it’s best to have several ladies on at a time. The vast majority of the time, though, if something pops up or you just need to run to the store quick for something, there is no issue at all. If you need some time off, take it! Now, I should remind you that the more you work, the more you earn in this line of pso work, so just because you can doesn’t mean it’s the best thing for your wallet, so […]
April 17, 2020

Stay At Home AND Make Money!

With everything going on out in the world right now, it is an amazing time to give a try to making money from home! Now more than ever, there is a desire to be able to stay at home as much as you can and away from the general public. What better way than getting to work from home? You are able to gain the freedom to set your schedule based on your needs and responsibilities, while being able to make money while you are doing it! Not many people are able to say that, but this couples the independence of completing your work from home, while also keeping your life and routine as uninterrupted as you want it to be. Are you a workaholic? No judgement! When you are a pso, you get to work as much as you would like! Maybe you need just a little bit of […]
March 18, 2020

The Work Part Of Working From Home

I’ve noticed that a lot of the applicants that we get for being a phone sex operator lose interest once they see what we have to do when it comes to posting on social media and writing weekly blogs for your character. I remember it seeming to be quite a bit, but once you get used to it there’s no problem at all! You can go to others phone lines and get paid without all that, but you certainly won’t get the same pay rate. Working from home means that you have more than enough time to do all that you need to, with days left where you have to do nothing except talk in the chat room and take any calls that come your way. There’s nothing difficult about any of it, I promise you. Are you ready to give it a try? Go ahead and fill out the […]