December 26, 2021

These Days The Safest Place To Work Is At Home

I watch the news every single day and all I see is doom and gloom.  If it not a new virus variant, it is a person getting pushed in a train or a bus with a slew of infected people or people being forced to comply to mandates.  This is why the safest lace to work these days is right at home.  Who wants to deal with al of the drama that comes along with when you work outside? I surely don’t need it want it or want to be bothered.  Life is just to short to have to deal with a bunch of nonsense that you don’t have to deal with if you can avoid it. When I work for Madison Enterprise LLC it is such a pleasure because I get to stay in my house and I don’t have to go outside and be exposed to the elements […]
November 26, 2021

Extra Extra Read All About It – Madison Enterprises Rocks!

I know that when there happens to be top news, it is usually something that is so amazing that it makes the pages of a newspaper or a magazine.  I want to shout it out to the top of my lungs that Madison Enterprises rocks! I have been working all of my life for other companies and when the pandemic hit I decided that it was time that I did something that was totally out of the box and that is when I signed up to work at Madison Enterprises as a phone sex operator.  I really love it and I always learn something new every single time. Not all of my callers are from those looking to have phone sex; a lot of people call because they are bored or lonely and they need to have a nice voice over the phone and that will usually make them feel […]
October 17, 2021

Female Owned Is The Way To Go

I have to say that I have had the opportunity to work most of my life and when I started I worked in male dominated environments where I was not understood and that was really an issue for me.  It is such a major difference working for a female -owned company and I am not kidding at all about that.  The difference is so clear that this is where I need to be.  To have the independence to work from home and male a salary that is equivalent to what I could make in an in-person office environment is so amazing to me.  Lots of times in the office environment type of environment you really don’t have much of a say so.  But the difference is so clear working at home for a female owned company.  I get to take days off that I want during the week by setting […]