For Parents

Madison Enterprise is a service for Adults, by Adults only. We believe that consenting adults have the right to connect with each other to talk about subjects relating to sexuality and relationships.

We strictly forbid access to minors as this would be inappropriate and illegal. This is why we restrict access to adults 18 years and older. Users are required to confirm that they are 18+ before they are allowed to place a call and before they are exposed to any explicit content on our part.

Moreover Parents need to know:

All operators are required to provide a government-issued ID such as Passport or Driver’s License, proving that they are 18+ before being employed by Madison Enterprise. We do keep a copy these documents at our offices for privacy reasons.

This site has been tagged with RTA label to be detected by parental monitoring software and blocked from minors. More info can be found on the RTA site.

You can block a particular phone number from accessing our services.

Also please have a look at these resources:

SelfieCop is a new app that, when installed on your child’s phone, emails you a copy of every pic they send thru social networks.

MOBICIP – Is a Content Filtering Software for Mobile Phones

Net Nanny | Cyber Patrol | Cyber Sitter | FOSI | ASACP

Any suggestion? Contact us