January 23, 2022

Can You Work By The Pool? I Can!

I can’t speak for other jobs, so I won’t – I will simply speak for mine as it allows me the opportunity to work from the comfort of my own home and that includes – poolside! Yes indeed ladies, this is the job that you have been waiting for all of your lives as it gives you a freedom that you never thought was possible. I am fortunate to be blessed with a beautiful house, and the ability to talk to great guys and gals from the comfort of my own home’s pool is such a blessing. And when the talks become hot and erotic that serves me just fine as I have all of the comfort and privacy that I need to carry on with sexy conversations. Women have wanted to be independent for years and to be able to work for myself for a women owned company is […]
April 30, 2021

The Best Job Around

  Have you ever thought of becoming a phone sex operator?  Has it ever crossed your mind that you could totally do that job?  Do you have a sexy voice and a kinky side?  If so… then this job is definitely for you. During these unpredictable times, a steady source of income is a definite plus.  And at Madison Enterprises with a little hustle and a good work drive you will soon acquire a steady clientele as well.  You will work with a great group of women who are very courteous and helpful. All work will be done from your home PC and your mobile phone.  You set up your schedule to work best for you.  Phone sex jobs are quite popular, even if not openly discussed often.  You will be your own boss and can choose to work when you want.  All client interaction is through email, paid text/chat […]
November 15, 2020

Adult Entertainment Industry — Work From Home

In this day and age of quickly growing and ever changing technology, there are more opportunities to make great money and get to work from home than ever before. With the pandemic this year, more and more companies are discovering that they do in fact have the ability to make the transition from physical work locations to remote commuting seamlessly and easily. Why not join a company that has been doing just that for years? Madison Enterprise is run by women, owned by women, and thrives on bringing women together in order to bring the best success to each other and each and every one of our clients. Our clients whether they are repeat customers, brand new clients, or just a potential connection who finds themselves browsing one of our sites, each one of them is unique and is looking for something different and true to their own desires. Being […]