April 17, 2020

Stay At Home AND Make Money!

With everything going on out in the world right now, it is an amazing time to give a try to making money from home! Now more than ever, there is a desire to be able to stay at home as much as you can and away from the general public. What better way than getting to work from home? You are able to gain the freedom to set your schedule based on your needs and responsibilities, while being able to make money while you are doing it! Not many people are able to say that, but this couples the independence of completing your work from home, while also keeping your life and routine as uninterrupted as you want it to be. Are you a workaholic? No judgement! When you are a pso, you get to work as much as you would like! Maybe you need just a little bit of […]
April 16, 2020

Old Job vs Pso Job

I went to a store that I used to work at a few years ago, and I have to admit it was kind of nice talking with some of the people that are still working there. Have some lovely conversations about how everyone’s family was, about other old coworkers, the new ones that were working there, that sort of thing. Talked about things that had changed, things that still needed to change, and all sorts of other topics! Yes, it was nice to chat, see how the old place was still churning along… and I was quick to remember why I was so happy being able to work from home now! Phone sex operator work isn’t without its annoyances, what job is, but it sure beats working with the public. Being a pso is better than that any day of the week! If you’re ready to give it a try […]
March 28, 2020

COVID-19 Got You Panicked?

During this trying time as our country goes through one of the most shocking events that many generations have lived through in quite some time, we find ourselves isolated and quarantined from our jobs, friends, family, and taking pleasure in the little things like going shopping or out to the park. Many of us have been sent home from our places of business as restaurants and the like are cutting staff and closing their doors to help curb the spread of this invisible enemy. Some companies are able to transition fairly smoothly to remote working in order to close their offices and keep their employees and customers safe. Other companies are having to dramatically cut the hours of, or even lay off many of their employees. Unfortunately, rent is still due and people still have to eat and spend money in other ways to survive. The prospect of getting to […]