September 2, 2019

Rough Parts of Pso Work

I’ve got another story about just how difficult my job as a phone sex operator is, and it’s a doozy, let me tell you. I was sitting and relaxing on my back porch the other day with a cup of sweet tea in my hand, still logged in, when my phone dinged at me, letting me know that I had a call coming in.  My neighbors don’t really need hear the kind of conversations I can have sometimes, so I headed back into my house, took a seat on the couch and had a very interesting twenty-minute call with one of my regulars. Once that was finished I got some fresh tea, wandered back to the porch and took a seat to watch the hummingbirds flit around. You see? That twenty minutes almost ruined my afternoon!  If that sounds like something you’re willing to deal with, though, go ahead and […]
August 28, 2019

Looking For A Better Job?

At my last job, I was on my feet eight hours every day that I worked, sometimes standing in mostly one spot, other times all over the place, and believe me, both of those have their own issues.  My back started hurting, I pushed it aside thinking that it was because of my job, but the problem just got worse. Turns out I have a few things going wrong with my spine, and I knew I could keep working where I was, and I had very few options that would keep me off my feet while paying me well.  Then I saw an ad online for a phone sex line, and I just thought, ‘Why not?” So I started doing a little research, got a frustrated a bit with the different types of companies, pay rates, holding times and all that; then I came across Phoneamommy one day, read a […]
August 7, 2019

A Piece Of Advice For Future Pso’s

One thing that turned out to be kind of surprising to me when I became a phone sex operator is the loyalty that some of your callers will show for you.  I suppose I was expecting a constant stream of new callers, if I was expecting anything, guys that I spouted off a script to that I think might get them off.  Turned out that it was more involved than that, you have to get to know someone, not necessarily identifying info, but their personal likes and dislikes regarding whatever their fetish happens to be.  Keep notes, call them by name, remember what they like and what could just be someone who gives you one or two calls could be a repeat customer that won’t talk to anyone else! You won’t click with everyone and that’s not something to worry about.  Be sure to remember the ones that you do […]