April 18, 2021

Ready For Phone Sex? Do Your Research!

If you are reading this, I’m assuming that you’re at least slightly interested in being a phone sex operator. I’ve been doing this for going on five years now, and I can definitely say that I’ve had worse jobs. A very flexible schedule, low stress, you can do whatever you want in between calls, though I would not recommend going somewhere, like to Walmart. I had one guy tell me he had started call with someone and heard an advertisement for some kind of sale over the Walmart speakers. Needless to say, he hung up and cancelled that transaction. Whoever the operator was, she lost the money from that call, and any chance that he could have been a repeat caller. Worked out well for me, since he’s been a regular caller for me for around two years now. A lot of ladies make mistakes like this, just because you […]
April 18, 2021

A Phone Sex Job Might Be What You Need!

I have worked some fairly stressful jobs, some more than others, of course. I’ve been a truck driver, a correctional officer, things like that. I’ve gotten up at four thirty in the morning to get to work on time, clocking in for the day well before the sun rose. I’ve worked ten to twelve hours a day for years, and wasn’t that always fun? I’ve worked dangerous jobs, dirty jobs, dull and boring ones, any everything in between. Never worked from home before, though, not till I started working as a phone sex operator. I honestly didn’t think that I would be doing this for more than a few months, just a temporary thing till some issues I was having with my back would get straightened out. Several years later, and I am still going at it! It still surprises me sometimes, since I really thought that not working around […]
November 15, 2020

Adult Entertainment Industry — Work From Home

In this day and age of quickly growing and ever changing technology, there are more opportunities to make great money and get to work from home than ever before. With the pandemic this year, more and more companies are discovering that they do in fact have the ability to make the transition from physical work locations to remote commuting seamlessly and easily. Why not join a company that has been doing just that for years? Madison Enterprise is run by women, owned by women, and thrives on bringing women together in order to bring the best success to each other and each and every one of our clients. Our clients whether they are repeat customers, brand new clients, or just a potential connection who finds themselves browsing one of our sites, each one of them is unique and is looking for something different and true to their own desires. Being […]