January 22, 2020

Things To Think Of Before Starting Pso Work

I don’t know if anyone has discussed this before in a blog here, but before you decide to try out being a phone sex operator, be sure to do your research. With some companies you only have to answer the phone when they send you a call, but for that you can only get around thirty-five cents per minutes, sometimes less. On the other end is doing it for yourself, taking calls through a service like Niteflirt, keeping you all the money yourself, but all the advertisement is on you, every crank call and hang up are calls you have to take. With a company like Madison Enterprises, you do have to handle a few social accounts, write a few blogs, but it’s a collective effort with all the woman here, multiple avenues of advertisement that reaches out to bring more callers in. Dispatch takes cares of all the calls, […]
January 20, 2020

On My Own Time

I remember dreading the end of my days off (whatever days those happened to be since I consistently was scheduled based on the needs of my fellow employees and management). It always felt like such a heavy weight was on my shoulders whenever I would look at the schedule and see just how much time I was giving up for a conventional sort of employment venture. I constantly had to alter my plans whether they be family or friends, holidays, or even medical or dental appointments. It is incredibly frustrating to realize that you have literally zero control over your own life. It was a strange and wonderful transition from that type of lifestyle and work environment to becoming used to getting to work from home and enjoying all of the perks that come with it! There are few better feelings than when you have to wake up for work […]
January 19, 2020

Keeping Your Job Interesting

One of the interesting parts of phone sex work is having to use my imagination. I know the perception is that it’s mostly just moaning and telling someone how good they are (and sometimes it is) but most of the time it’s not like that. Even if you have two people that are into the same thing, the scenario for them might need to be vastly different, or just a few changes will do great. Part of it is guesswork, going by what they’re saying outright, sometimes the hints that they’re dropping. And once you get regulars, you want to keep it exciting for them, fresh, give them more reasons to keep calling you. That will help you out too, helping to keep you from getting into rut, and not enjoying your pso job. Sometimes all they want is to have a regular conversation, it is easier to talk to […]