May 18, 2019

Making Money from Home

Let’s be honest for a minute in stating that most people do not like the grind of their typical 9 to 5, Monday through Friday jobs. Sure, you get your weekends off, but you are just a cog in the machine for the rest of the week. Working on someone else’s time and revolving your life around that. I remember when it really hit me that I wanted more for myself, and I was determined to find a way to do just that. Madison Enterprise has offered me that opportunity as a work from home phone sex operator, and it has changed my life! No more do I have to wait with baited breath the day before the next week starts to find out when I am expected to be there, regardless of what real life warrants. I am able to set my own schedule, a freedom that is hard […]
January 23, 2019

Why I love working from home

When I tell people I work from home, I get one of two responses: “I wish I could do that,” or “I could never do that. I’d get way too distracted.” I enjoy working from home, but just like a traditional work arrangement, it frustrates me sometimes. It’s not the key to a blissful work life, but it’s not necessarily a recipe for getting lost in a Instagram black hole all day, either. I procrastinate and waste time less at home than I did during a typical 8 hour office work day. According to a 2013 Stanford University study, a worker’s efficiency can improve by 13% when she works from home. For the sake of transparency, I will admit that from 7:57-8:20 this morning, I was spending far to much time on Youtube watching cute English Bulldog videos. For those considering working from home or just curious about what it’s like, here […]
February 23, 2018

My First Working From Home Job

I’ve always hated the idea of a 9 to 5 job. Standing behind a counter or behind trapped behind a desk your entire shift always just rubbed me the wrong way. I’m a home body so I decided one day that I would get a job that lets me excel at my profession without ever having to leave my house to do it. So I did a quick google search for “work from home” and was surprised at all of the results. I guess people were searching for the same thing I was now searching. I scrolled past a few of the most common results which included the usual telemarketer, remote computer technician, and even making your own website to sell creations you’ve made but none of them peeked my interest. They all depended on number of sales and only being paid when your services were needed. I couldn’t  bring […]